Does My Cat Need More Exercise?

Does My Cat Need More Exercise?

Cats are known for their tendency to lounge around the house and sleep for hours, so it can be challenging for owners to know if they are relaxing too much. Ensuring your cat gets enough exercise is a critical part of pet care, and you can use this guide to help you give your feline the workout they need.

Why Exercise Is Important For Cats

Felines can enjoy a longer, healthier life if they exercise regularly. Even though they may not seem as energetic as other pets, it’s still critical for your furry friend to walk, jump, run, and play. Depending on your cat’s personality, they may run and play on their own or need more encouragement and stimulation. If you’re unsure about your cat’s exercise level, aim for 10 to 15 minutes of physical activity a day and make adjustments if necessary. To encourage movement, you can go on walks in the yard (using a harness and leash) or play with their toys.

How To Know If Your Cat Needs More Exercise

Obesity is an obvious sign that your pet needs more exercise, and a vet can help you determine if they’re overweight. Include your vet in your pet care plans. Speak with them to develop a custom diet and exercise plan that will help your cat lose the extra pounds.

Over-grooming, overeating, and acting agitated indicates that your feline may want more physical stimulation. Cats may clean themselves excessively, attack household items, or run around the house because they're stressed and don’t have other outlets for their energy. You can tell if your cat is stressed if they are excessively grooming themselves, constantly meowing, frequently hiding, or having issues with using their litter box. Every cat handles stress differently. If you’re concerned about your cat’s stress levels, consult with a vet for help.

*Pounce Tip* Oftentimes kitties do well as a pair, so they can easily entertain each other and motivate exercise from an early age. Consider adopting two kitties together, if your household and budget allow for this decision.

See our boutique of toys to play with your kitties on our website here!

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