Executive Suite

Our standard suites offers cage-free room
-2 large platforms
-4 foot x 5 foot room, 8 foot privacy walls (20 square feet)
-Privacy cubbies
-Complimentary toys
-Complimentary scratcher to keep
-Up to 2 cats maximum
-We are proud to share our strict cleaning protocol that we use! Read about it here!

-$55 per night for first cat
-$80 per night for 2 cats

Some of our Guests enjoying their suite:

Our standard room, executive suite, is a 160 cubic feet oasis for your kitty’s vacation!

Our standard room, executive suite, is ~160 cubic feet oasis for your kitty’s vacation!

Executive Suite Cute Cat Cat Boarding Honolulu Pounce Hawaii.JPG
Each room has its own private scratch post for stretching and nail filing!

Each room has its own private scratch post for stretching and nail filing!

For shy kitties, they love the option of sleeping in their cubby for privacy!

For shy kitties, they love the option of sleeping in their cubby for privacy!

We use pine pellet litter, which is dust-free, chemical-free, and allows the cat’s urine to sift to the bottom, so they never step in their own! The tall litter boxes allow for kickers and sprayers too!

We use pine pellet litter, which is dust-free, chemical-free, and allows the cat’s urine to sift to the bottom, so they never step in their own! The tall litter boxes allow for kickers and sprayers too!