How To Help Your Cat With Separation Anxiety

Although our feline companions are majority of the time independent, they still miss us when we’re not around! If your cat doesn’t have a cat sitter or go to kitty daycare, they may experience some behaviors of loneliness such as howling, loss of appetite, irregular sleep patterns, or destructive behavior.

Even if your cat hasn’t experienced going to a cat boarding facility, they may experience the same anxious behaviors. Here are some helpful tips to help your furry friend become more comfortable and confident while you are away from them!

1. Act casual

This one may be a tough one, but don’t over-do the goodbye process by coddling your cat and giving them a burst of love just seconds before leaving the house. It’s almost like when you're at a restaurant and the server comes around with what you think is your meal and then the server walks right past you and over to the next table. What a tease! Instead, walk out of the house very casually as if you were stepping out just for a brief moment.

2. Stimulate your cat’s environment

When you’re gone, your cat should see your home as their sort of playground. Make sure your cat always has fun and exciting new toys to play with that are challenging and also comforting! Novelty items such as toy mice or crinkle toys are always a great trick to keeping your cat entertained while you’re away. There are many choices of puzzle feeders for the food-motivated feline! When you come back home, your cat may be so entertained they may not have even noticed their favorite human was gone!

3. Practice leaving for short periods of time

In the beginning, it may be beneficial to practice leaving the house for a short period of time multiple times a day. You could go check your mail or go for a quick walk around the block. Just by making this concerted effort, your cat will eventually become desensitized to you leaving the house and therefore experience less anxiety about being alone.

4. Take your cat to a kitty daycare

We’ve heard about the oh-so-popular doggie daycare, but did you know that there is also such a place for our cat babies? Just as some may take their children to daycare, us fur parents can also take our fur babies to a place where they are watched over and cared for while you are away! Daycare promotes socialization, exercise, and development for your cat. Many fur parents who take their cat to daycare find that their cat is much happier and experience less anxiety from being away from their human.

5. Start sooner than later
Although you may wish to spend every free moment with your new feline friend when you bring them home, giving distance in the beginning will be advantageous over time. Bringing your kitty to a cat boarding facility or cat daycare when they are young will encourage a familiar environment that is comfortable. Your fur baby will have an easier time and know what to expect the next time you plan your vacation away from home.

*Pounce Tip* Bringing your kitty to a cat boarding facility near you can ensure a stimulating and positive experience while you are away.

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