Which Plants Are Safe for My Cat?

Many cat owners have caught their fur baby red-handed chewing on houseplants or that beautiful flower arrangement from a special occasion. We can all say we’ve witnessed the all-famous knocked over plant from the cat zooming around the house late at night.

We humans love having plants in the house. Plants are a calming factor in interior decorating. They provide extra oxygen to the indoor environment. Let’s just say it, they’re just plain beautiful to have around!

Although we may find the cohabitation between cat and plant to be sometimes troublesome, we still want to make sure the plants we do have in the house are safe for our kitties. Although there are many other types of plants that are safe for cats, here are just five of our favorites that we like to have around our cats.

1. Airplants

If you’re looking for a trendy, inexpensive, low-maintenance plant to decorate your house, air plants are the way to go! They come in all different shapes and sizes, and can match in almost any room in your house because of their simple beauty. They require very little water. Spritzing them with a spray bottle every couple of weeks will keep them happy plants!

2. Bromeliads

These gorgeous plants are wonderful house plants because they require very little sunlight or water. Actually, because of the way their petals are formed, they are able to store little puddles of water, making your job as a plant parent easier! If your cat is one who likes to drink water, you can rest assured that they’ll be fine if they drink from these plants.

3. Ferns

Either outdoors or indoors, ferns bring a sense of nature to a whole other level. They can give any arrangement or landscape a finished look with their green fullness. Their lush green leaves, especially the feathery soft ones, make it impossible for cats to resist pawing or gnawing at them. Luckily for us cat parents, we don’t have to worry about our cats getting sick or injured if they do indulge in such activities with our ferns.

4. Orchids

Who doesn’t love seeing these plants in their home? Orchids are a breed of elegance and beauty; no wonder why people stage them in the most beautiful parts of their home or for open-houses or tea parties. Of all the different varieties of orchids there are on the market, none of them are known to be toxic to cats. Yay!

5. Palms

One of the more common indoor plants, palms give your home a more tropical feel and are wonderful to look at. Their leaves feather out and cover a wide area so it's easy to fill a boring corner of a room with a beautiful palm plant. You can find palms at many home improvement stores or even some furniture stores!

*Pounce Tip* One of the purr-fect reasons to board your kitty while away is to ensure they do not eat a poisonous plant and get sick while you are away!

Blog Plants Safe for Cats Honolulu Cat Boarding Pounce Hawaii.JPG
Blog Plants Safe for Cats Honolulu Cat Boarding Snuggle Pounce Hawaii.jpg